“If you live in Austin, Texas, chances are you’ve caught wind of 28-year-old Jane Claire Hervey’s work, whether or not you’ve heard her name.”
— How One Creative Is Changing the Entrepreneurial and Design Landscape in Texas
Other Recent Mentions
“The Women Making Art From Mementos of Heartbreak” — Vice
“Top 100 Austin Records of 2019” — Austin Chronicle
Texas Monthly
“Pay attention to your own data. What I mean by that is trust your experiences. Trust what you see, what you feel, what you know. There are so many factors that are outside of our control that it gets very easy to believe everything around us but ourselves…
You might not always have everything you need to make decisions or have the resources, but if you can at least rely on yourself to be thinking critically and to be looking at our own data, then you’ve inched your way a little closer to the truth.”
— On Texas Time: Jane Claire Hervey, Founder of Future Front Texas and Creative Powerhouse
The Austin Chronicle
“On her first proper release, this month’s Sour Grapefruit EP, the Austin singer broadcasts a highly personal account of a traumatic relationship.
With candid lyricism on the topics of virginity, young love, and self-appraisal, the four-track effort spins a prevailing theme of surviving emotional hardships. Meanwhile, Hervey’s south Texas roots in the microscopic border town of Rio Hondo serve as an artistic aesthetic, down to the regional citrus crop informing the collection’s titular metaphor.”
— Future Front Texas Founder Unleashes Singular Voice on New EP